客戶個案見證 Clients testimonial


當時人生課題:失戀的情緒打擊造成失業多月及財政狀況下滑。難以處理情緒及失業壓力,失眠。 經過3次的潛意識治療及love coaching後,現時的他已經投入新工作而且剛剛開展了新戀情!

 A先生見證: It's not really a motivate lesson or trying to making example, it's an inspiration of how u treat life. I thought I was so-call having a bad luck with some wrong people in my life n living in the darkside with lot of nonsense been years. And one day, after I met Fiona, and she taught me thu some sections. Slowly, I woke up, I see everythin different. I love my life, I love myself, I respect myself, I would be the last one standing to defend my faith even goin down swingin. I been reality hell quite a long while, but luckily I started realize I was built for this, In my life, I have conquered my demons, I hv been broke, paid, lied to, cheated on, hungry n full, I hv dragged thu dirt and I picked me up n dusted it off. I came a long way and still have a long way to go and I strive for better. After all, I believe everything have souls in this universe and you u get what u asked. After i twisted the way i see life, Good things started to walk into me, [ I m currently in love with a gal, she is also my best friend, a soulmate as well. ] Even now, I m open to accepting all forms of abundance the universe has to offer to me.

c小姐 - 家庭主婦


 陳小姐 課題- 婚姻/失戀 

在機緣巧合下遇到Fiona, 當時的我正經歷長達半年的低潮,要處理繁重的工作,亦要極力隱藏內心的情緒,當時我已拍拖多年的未婚夫在將要結婚的前一個月才提出分手,我頓時失去方向及人生希望,但經過2次的healing, 神奇的事發生了,突然我感覺到神奇的釋放感覺「放下」及無比的喜悅感!感覺好像重生一樣!人生確實是充滿奇蹟及值得感恩!多謝您!

 J先生 - 公司高層

現在我的業務現在比以前發展得更快,目標及願景更清䀿,而且每天起來已經急不及待享受工作帶來的成就感。 我現在對自己及人生充滿熱情信任。


自從前夫離開我,我不自覺地對愛情充滿抱怨!又巧合地,真的十幾年也沒有任何桃花!十年來我什麼方法也試過,直到遇到Fiona, 我看到新轉機,經過釋放前夫的能量及心結,現在我被男仕約會及追求,雖然未正式開始拍拖,但我知道幸福近了!原來我值得擁有幸福!而且我現在更享受生活的所有,更喜歡我自已,衷心多謝你!

